Okay...I decided to give in and start a blog. I can't make any promises though. There is no telling how often I will actually post anything. I just thought this would be a good way to keep everyone updated on what is going on with me and Justin and the boys. Things have actually been extremely crazy for us lately. Last Monday was my first day back at work after being on maternity leave for six weeks. Of course, Jaxon's first day to be dropped off at the sitter starts with Kasen crying when I leave. He has NEVER cried when I have dropped him off before. I felt absolutely horrible. Unfortunately Jaxon had what we thought was a cold so Justin picked him up from the sitter and took him to the pediatrician later that morning. Turns out that he actually had RSV and was admitted to the hospital that afternoon. Since it was my first week back at work, Justin stayed at the hospital during the day and I stayed at night. Needless to say, we didn't get much sleep. After two days of breathing treaments, they decided to release him. After staying with Grandparents all week he feels much better! He has to go back to the pediatrician and the cardiologist next Wednesday. I will keep everyone posted.
Glad he's better! And so glad you have a blog now! He is soooooo stinkin' cute!