Sunday, August 7, 2011

Life on the Farm

As you all know we don't really live on a farm, but we have our moments.  We live on 6 acres and Justin insists that we keep goats so he doesn't have to maintain it.  Although he also insisted that we buy at tractor so he could maintain it, but this is an entirely different story. 
We currently have 5 nannies and 1 billy.  He is the stinkiest, nastiest thing you have ever see or smelled, but we lovingly call him Pumbaa.  I am usually not a fan of these animals, but this week has been a little different.  All 5 of our nannies had babies.  Pumbaa must have had a very busy week several months back!  Three of the nannies had twins but one of the babies didn't make it.  So we now have 7 new babies!  I am still not a fan of their mothers, but their babies are SO CUTE!  I am sure this is what people think about Kasen and Jaxon..."Man they are cute, but I could do without their parents!"

Justin introducing Kasen and Jaxon to the new goat. 

Jaxon harassing one set of twins!

Pumbaa talking to one of his babies

Kasen petting Timon

I also had to include this picture!  Only in the country does a boy catch his first fish at 2 yrs old while wearing his pajama top, church shorts and flip flops!
Jaxon's first fish

Sunday, July 31, 2011

7 Years...But Who Has Time to Count???

Today is mine and Justin's 7th anniversary.  My first thought this morning was "wow...where has the time gone?"  I mean seems like just yesterday that we made the decision to stop being "just friends" and get on with it.  I remember that time with such clarity.  I had millions of thoughts going through my head.  "Are we really going to take that chance and risk the unbelievably close friendship that we have?" "Could this ever work?"  "We are so much alike...we are going to kill each other!"  "Our friends (mainly Dusty) are going to think we are crazy!"  But then there was that one thought that stood out more than any of the others..."I love him"...and that made it worth everything else! So we went for it.  A year and three months later we were engaged and 11 months after that we got married on July 31, 2004. 

So, back to my thought this morning.  Where has the time gone?  It has been packed full of LIFE...a wonderful life!  We moved from our first tiny house in Angelo to a beautiful house that Justin remodeled after unrelenting begging from me!  I passed my CPA exam (one of the biggest tests on our marriage)!  We had our first baby in Angelo.  Three months later we decided we were going to move back to Midland and a month later found out we were expecting our 2nd baby.  Within a matter of months we sold our house, I found a new job, we bought a new house, moved to Midland, and had Jaxon.  We have gone through 6 different jobs between the two of us...mostly mine.  We have had new additions to our huge family, along with some very difficult losses.  We have made new friends and continued to cherish the old.  Most importantly we have learned to love each more and more with each day that passes!

I am fairly certain that we have found the secret to what makes a marriage work.  I used to think it was knowing what was important, but now I believe it is something a little different.  Everyone knows what is important!  I think the secret is to know what isn't important and to not waste another moment worrying about all of those things! 

I will never deny that my children are the love of my life.  They are the best blessing God could have ever given me, but I wouldn't have them if it weren't for Justin!  He is definitely a close 2nd on the blessing list.  He makes me smile everyday and continues to put up with me; we all know what a task that is!  We are still best friends, and I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else!

So to Justin...because of course I know he reads my blog.  Thank you for loving me...just the way I am!

Monday, July 18, 2011

A Year Ago Today

Most of you know that one year ago today my family received shocking news. Justin and I were devastated when we received the phone call that our sister-in-law Karah had passed away.  My heart physically hurt because of the fact that my brother-in-law had lost the love of his life and the fact that my nephew Madden was going to grow up without his mother. 
That day and the days to follow made me realize that God has a much bigger plan for us than we could ever imagine.  He never guaranteed us a specific amount of time with the ones we love.  While the loss still hurts my heart, it has made me appreciate my husband even more and take the time to just soak in every detail about my kids.  God has blessed me beyond measure!
The loss of Karah also reminded me that there is no time like the present to get things right with God.  There isn't always tomorrow.

As for my brother-in-law and Madden, they are both doing well.  Madden is a happy, healthy boy who has his mother's beautiful eyes.  Jimmy has made me so proud.  He is doing an outstanding job of raising Madden.  One of my most vivid memories of Karah is the boys baby dedication at Stonegate.  I remember talking with her about how important raising our boys in a Christian was to both of us.  Jimmy has been nothing less than Godly parent...exactly what Karah would have wanted. 

I know she is with God and loving the fact that we have found something good out of such a tragic event.  Hopefully Karah's story will make you think about the things that God has blessed you with and the fact that there is no time like the present.  Love your family and the Lord like there is no tomorrow!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Counting My Blessings!

Today I am continually thanking God for blessing me with two healthy boys.  There are so many days that I feel overwhelmed and frustrated by the details associated with motherhood.  Last night as I was browsing through a friends facebook page I ran across this blog.
I believe that every mother should read this.  Let me warn you, it is beyond heartbreaking! I began reading it last night as I sat in bed.  Once I started reading, I couldn't stop.  I stayed up until 11:00 with tears streaming down my face.  For those of you who know me well, you know this a big deal.  For one, I don't stay up late.  Second, I am usually not that emotional.  This mother's faith is amazing!  I want to be that faithful, that strong, and that thankful! 

God has given me so much.  Here are a couple of pictures from these past few weeks.  My boys are growing and learning like crazy!  They are a constant reminder of just how good our God really is!

Just remember to be thankful and count your blessings!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Back to Blogging

So...After a little over a year, I am making a commitment to start blogging again.  Beware that I may be using the word commitment very loosely.  Especially considering I am starting back at the most hectic time in my life.  The boys are at their wildest yet, tax season is in full swing, and Justin and I are more involved than ever at church. 
These past 13 months have been very eventful...both good and bad.  In February I changed Jobs.  In May Justin's Grandfather passed away.  Toward the end of May I changed jobs AGAIN.  In July my sister-in-law Karah was killed in a boating accident.  In October the pastor that Justin and I grew up with passed away.  Later that month Ky and Randi got engaged.  In December a close family friend of Justin's passed away after a long battle with Alzheimer's, and most recently a friend of mine from high school/college passed away after battling Cystic Fibrosis. 
Throughout this year we haven't missed a step.  The boys are growing like weeds and never cease to amaze me!  They turned 2 and 3 in November and December, and their personalities are night and day!  Kasen is such a people pleaser...not sure where he got that.  He is completely independent but very sensitive.  Jaxon on the other hand could care less about what anyone else wants.  He wants to do things on his own but has to be right next to Justin or I at all times.  It truly amazes me that two kids can be so different.
During the year, Justin and I officially became members at Stonegate...FINALLY.  Who would have thought that finishing up 4 membership classes would take so long.  We also started serving in the high school youth every Sunday morning. 
Throughout the year God has used all of these situations, both good and bad, to speak into my life.  I have always known that I was extremely blessed and that everything I have is gift from God.  This year just made me realize how quickly our lives can change and how we shouldn't take one second for granted.  The real question that continually stays on my mind is..."what am I doing with all of those blessings God has given me?"  "Am I using my blessing to bring glory to God?"

My new favorite bible verse for the year is Isiah 55:8-9  "My thoughts are completely different from yours," says the Lord.  "And my ways are far beyond anything you could ever imagine.  For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."

I also have a new word for the year...Renew.  If you listen to KLOVE then you know what I mean.  If not, I will elaborate more in my next post.

I love you all and am so grateful to have you in my life!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Our Christmas was absolutely wonderful!  We spent Christmas Eve with my parents and Ky & Randi.  Then Santa left presents for the boys for Christmas morning.  Justin’s family came over for brunch and lunch on Christmas day.  It was a pretty eventful day.  I don’t think the boys really had any idea what was going on.  We have been telling Kasen for the past week or so that baby Jesus’ birthday was coming up, but I think it went over his head.  On Christmas morning I went to get him out of his bed and this was our conversation:

Me:  Kasen, guess who came last night!

Kasen:  Gammy??

Me:  No silly…Santa Clause!

I got a new laptop for Christmas and Photoshop for my birthday, so hopefully I will be a little better at uploading pictures and updating my blog!  I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!