Thursday, February 12, 2009

Last Weekend

Last weekend was super windy, but for some reason I let Justin talk me into going and shooting guns in his grandmother's pit! He had a new handgun he wanted me to shoot. I think it was a 45. I also shot his 9mm. It was much better than the new one. We also had a shooting contest with a 22 rifle that I bought him when we were engaged. Believe it or not...I BEAT HIM!!! I hit two more can's than he did. Then we had a contest with the two of us and Jimmy and Ky. Ky is the only one that beat me. They said it was beginners luck, but I think I am a natural!

I almost forgot...I got a new car last week. It is a Buick Enclave, and I absolutely love it! I keep meaning to take a picture, but I never remember until it gets dark. Hopefully I will remember to take a picture tomorrow when I get home. Then I can post it for everyone to see!

Doctor's Appointments

Okay...So I just started blogging and I am already getting behind. Nothing too interesting has happened since my last post. Just a bunch of doctors appointments!!

Jaxon has had three doctor's appointments since my last post. The first was his follow-up for the RSV. Dr. Nabulsi said that he was doing very good. Then he had an appointment with the cardiologist. He couldn't tell much from the echo, but he did say that he thought the holes sounded like they were getting smaller. We are supposed to go back every six weeks for an echo, but Justin and I have about decided that it is a waste of time and money. I don't really want to keep going back until they can tell something. The doctor did say that as long as he keeps gaining weight, it is a good sign that he isn't going into heart failure. Jaxon then had his two month check-up yesterday, and he weighed 10lbs. He had to get four shots. Kasen has his 15 month appointment tomorrow. There is no telling how much he will weigh. He is constantly eating or drinking something. He eats more than Justin!! He also loves ketchup. It kills Justin because he absolutely hates ketchup. Here is a recent picture of him eating it with a knife. I guess he ran out of french fries.

Monday, February 2, 2009


So this weekend Justin and I finally finished Jaxon's room. Okay so maybe it isn't completely finished. We still have a few things to hang on the wall, but we are now finished painting. I say "we" but what I really mean is Justin...all I painted was the tree. I personally think Justin did an awesome job. It must have been all of that wonderful supervision he had.
Today was also Jaxon's first full day at the sitter. I had to stop and take a picture of him and Kasen before we left this morning even though I was running extremely late. Kasen wasn't really wanting to get his picture taken. He was much more interested in playing with Jaxon.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

First Post

Okay...I decided to give in and start a blog. I can't make any promises though. There is no telling how often I will actually post anything. I just thought this would be a good way to keep everyone updated on what is going on with me and Justin and the boys. Things have actually been extremely crazy for us lately. Last Monday was my first day back at work after being on maternity leave for six weeks. Of course, Jaxon's first day to be dropped off at the sitter starts with Kasen crying when I leave. He has NEVER cried when I have dropped him off before. I felt absolutely horrible. Unfortunately Jaxon had what we thought was a cold so Justin picked him up from the sitter and took him to the pediatrician later that morning. Turns out that he actually had RSV and was admitted to the hospital that afternoon. Since it was my first week back at work, Justin stayed at the hospital during the day and I stayed at night. Needless to say, we didn't get much sleep. After two days of breathing treaments, they decided to release him. After staying with Grandparents all week he feels much better! He has to go back to the pediatrician and the cardiologist next Wednesday. I will keep everyone posted.