Sunday, August 7, 2011

Life on the Farm

As you all know we don't really live on a farm, but we have our moments.  We live on 6 acres and Justin insists that we keep goats so he doesn't have to maintain it.  Although he also insisted that we buy at tractor so he could maintain it, but this is an entirely different story. 
We currently have 5 nannies and 1 billy.  He is the stinkiest, nastiest thing you have ever see or smelled, but we lovingly call him Pumbaa.  I am usually not a fan of these animals, but this week has been a little different.  All 5 of our nannies had babies.  Pumbaa must have had a very busy week several months back!  Three of the nannies had twins but one of the babies didn't make it.  So we now have 7 new babies!  I am still not a fan of their mothers, but their babies are SO CUTE!  I am sure this is what people think about Kasen and Jaxon..."Man they are cute, but I could do without their parents!"

Justin introducing Kasen and Jaxon to the new goat. 

Jaxon harassing one set of twins!

Pumbaa talking to one of his babies

Kasen petting Timon

I also had to include this picture!  Only in the country does a boy catch his first fish at 2 yrs old while wearing his pajama top, church shorts and flip flops!
Jaxon's first fish