Wednesday, June 17, 2009

19 months & 6 months

Kasen has just now started paying a little more attention to Jaxon. Jaxon has started to walk all over the kitchen in his walker and of course Kasen thinks he needs to be pushed.

Party @ Grandma's

Kasen played Basketball and Baseball while Jaxon played with the Great Grandmas!


Justin and I took a short vacation this weekend. It wasn't much, but it was nice to get away for a few days. We went to Dallas on Saturday and came back yesterday. I made Justin endure a Rangers game, a day at Hurricane Harbor, and a day at Six Flags. In return, he got to buy a new gun at Cabelas on the way home. I had a blast. It did make me realize that I am not quite as young as I used to be. Those roller coasters sure are a lot rougher than I had remembered. Although we went 90 miles an hour during the day, it was still pretty relaxing. We both got 3 full nights of sleep, which is more than I can say for my parents and Justin's parents. They took turns watching the boys. He are a few pics from the trip. I will have to post some of Kasen and Jaxon with their presents later. We bought Jaxon a superman onesie that came with a cape and Kasen a batman cape and a tazmanian devil. I thought it was appropriate since we call him Taz all the time.

Painted the House

When we were considering buying our house, Justin and I talked about what work we would have to do to it. We both agreed that the only things that we "had" to do was take down the wallpaper and paint the outside. Supposedly painting the outside was going to be the very first thing we did. Well, as most of you know, we have done a ton of work to the house. And of course, we are just now getting around to painting the outside. I guess it was worth the wait. I absolutely love it. Here are a couple of before and after shots. I am going to go ahead and take all of the credit for the paint colors!
Disregard the horrible yard, the toddler in not shorts, and the horrible front door. I am hoping that will be my anniversary present!

Pulling Weeds

Our yard is full of weeds. I think we are just going to start over in the fall. Justin was pulling weeds for the goats to eat the other day, so Kasen decided he should help. Of course, once he saw me taking pictures, he had to come pose for the camera.

Baby Food

Jaxon has officially started eating baby food on a regular basis. His favorites are sweet potatoes and carrots. He was so messy that after he got finished we had to give him a bath. He is actually getting much better.

Kasen's Tree House

For those of you who haven't seen our new (almost 1 year now) house, it has a great tree house in the backyard. Kasen absolutely loves it. At first, Justin and I wouldn't let him go down the slide alone, but after a while Justin got tired of going down with him. My Dad and a family friend of ours actually got stuck going down with Kasen. Too bad I didn't get any pictures of that. Here are a few pics of him climbing up and sliding down all by himself. He is getting so BIG!

Monthly Updates I haven't been very good at posting on a regular basis. I have been taking a ton of pictures, but I just can't find the time to take them off my camera or post them on the blog. I have been very consistent. Once a month I seem to find the time to add about 3 or 4 new posts. We have been very busy since my last post, so I am going to post several things all at the same time. The boys are growing like weeds and becoming more and more spoiled each day.